

TRRC Business and Residential Survey

This survey will take a few minutes to complete and will measure current and future broadband usage and needs. Your responses will provide valuable insights into opportunities for increasing broadband availability and encourage the development of additional broadband-based technology programs. Please complete only one survey per household.

Three Rivers Regional Commission launched a Residential Survey to assess the growing needs of broadband as it relates to increasing economic vitality of our region through broadband technologies.

Step 1 (optional)

Do you know your broadband speed on fiber, wireless, or mobile devices?

Find your speed by clicking for the FCC Speed Test.

Or, find the speed at your home or business location with the Georgia Broadband Interactive Map.

Step 2

How can you provide citizen and business input for the DEP plan?

If you are a residential broadband user, take our Residential Survey

If you are a business or other organization, take the Business Survey